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Interview at Rampant Coyote

13.10.2012 View Comments

The interview I talked about a while back is now up in English as well on Rampant Coyote: part 1 and part 2. And be sure to play Frayed Knights while you're at it, it's definitely a game worth checking out, and one that doesn't take itself too seriously.

The End Looms!

18.09.2012 View Comments

Progress on the new content in the final alpha version:

  • Dialogue writing: 98%
  • Level design: 60%
  • Sound design: 60%
  • Final polish: 20%

  • Whole game: 98%!

That means we've completed at least two thirds of the NEW content (or about 98% of the whole game) for the final alpha, which will be the final version before release! Yay! I don't yet know how long it will take to complete the rest, but rest assured, you'll be the first to know if you've signed up for the release newsletter.

We've extended the game's ending just a bit, and included a few more endings you can get. The hard work of writing the story and the dialogue is nearly complete! Anne is eagerly making sounds and dragon-shaped fountains, and I've already placed all the dialogue and the plot-relevant events into the game. Now I'm adding all the juicy bits in between: puzzles, enemies, lava, more lava, and the Pit of Pain All Night Takeaway.

Retro Maniac Interview

12.09.2012 View Comments

The Retro Maniac magazine has a long interview with us about Driftmoon and being an indie dev in general. It's in Spanish, but I know a lot of you speak it, so head on over and tell us if they're making fun of us. Just kidding. Thanks to Ruber Eaglenest for the interesting interview!

Driftmoon scores a Gold Star!

07.09.2012 View Comments

"...I actually cared about the characters and the quests, and the gameplay is tough enough to be challenging without being so tough that it stops you progressing. A gold star is richly deserved by this offering. Well done, Instant Kingdom!"

Graphics 96%
Sound 98%
Playability 95%
Longevity 92%
Overall Score 96%

Andrew Williams of Bytten.com has reviewed Driftmoon, and on top of all those great numbers he doled out, we got this pretty golden star! Maybe I'll print it out and hang it on the wall.

Steam Greenlight

31.08.2012 View Comments

If you have a Steam account, and would like to see Driftmoon on Steam, check out Steam's new Greenlight feature, and give your vote for Driftmoon.

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