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Update 0.902

19.08.2012 View Comments

Here's a small update while we wait for the final release. These are mainly fixes and improvements for our industrious modders, like the ability to refer to an object's variable by it's name or id number in scripts or in any texts.

We're hard at work with the rest of the adventure, we have already written all the dialogue (which took a lot of time because there are multiple endings), and we're now creating the actual levels. We'll tell you more when we're closer.

Game Changelog

  • Starting village split into two areas to make it work better on older computers. Don't go there if you have an old saved game, it will mess up the save.
  • Non-droppable items can no longer be dragged into a container.
  • The black skeleton knight will no longer regain his arms and weapons on save/reload.
  • Modding Changelog

  • Dexterity, Strength, Agility and Constitution now work for non-player bots as well.
  • Race id numbers can now go up to 65535. But it's still best to use them in order.
  • It's now possible to use global flags in addition to actor variables in scripts. Just replace any part of a script that takes a number with the name of the variable or global flag. The game first looks for the named actor variable, and if that is not found, it looks for the global flag.
  • All info boxes can now handle keywords. That includes item descriptions, talent descriptions and status icons.
  • Keywords can now include actor variables and global flags using the following notation. {player.health} will print the player's health. {player.health:2} will print the player's health with two decimal places. You can replace the "player" with any object's name, or even its id number. {Karma} will print the value of the Karma global flag. The same notation is available in when using script variables.
  • The menu is now visible through the fadeout.
  • New script action: quitGame.
  • The menu will now play sounds from the camera position instead of world center.
  • The game will no longer crash if xpRequirement is set to 0 in levels.ini. It will disable the leveling system from thereon.
  • Removing a bodypart from a bot (except the player) will now be persisted over saves and map changes. Also removing a hand will not prevent the bot from using weapons, they will just be attached to the first body part available.
  • New script condition: isStartedFromEditor can be used to limit testing scripts to the editor.
  • Buttons to raise/lower all selected terrain objects.
  • You can now define the water texture to be used on each level.
  • Static lights placed in the editor now have their size limitation removed.
  • UPDATE Version 0.903 fixes the error in bogeyman's cave introduced in the 0.902.

    The Red Cross

    21.07.2012 View Comments

    This is something we've been planning for a long time, and now we've finally gotten around to doing it. We've decided to donate a significant part of the income from Driftmoon to charity, namely the Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund.

    We've been hoping Driftmoon will be a game that'll bring its players joy and enjoyment, and it's been great to notice we haven't been completely on the wrong tracks with that. But to face the facts, one can't really do much for the people of the world who are in the most desperate need of help, through a computer game (not even an unbelievably enjoyable one ). We'd still like to make some small positive difference in the world, and as much as we value our customers, we consider every human life important, not just the ones lucky enough to play Driftmoon.

    We don't really have a realistic possibility to travel around the world, physically helping the people most in need (and I'm not sure we'd even have the courage and skills to do just that), but luckily there are lots of more courageous people who keep busy organizing such extremely important things. So for our little game-developing family, cutting down our own profits for a good cause felt like the best way for us to do our share. After all, if we were the ones in need, we'd certainly be glad for a little help.

    Why the Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund? From the comfort of our home studio, it's sometimes easy to forget how much devastation war, famine and catastrophic disasters constantly bring to millions of lives all around the world. Those are the kind of situations where a single meal may mean all the difference, where a single dollar can have a huge effect. So, from now on, every time a new person embarks on a journey to save the magical world of Driftmoon, they're also making a difference in our real-life world.

    Driftmoon Alpha - The Lost Island!

    02.07.2012 View Comments

    Another Driftmoon alpha is now downloadable! If you haven't preordered yet, this is a great time to support the development of a unique indie roleplaying game! And be sure to sign up to be notified when the game is released.

    As you approach the peaceful-looking shore of Eione, you can't help but wonder where on this island... Wait a moment, I was just about to reveal the whole plot! What I mean to say is that the new areas of Eione and its underwater tunnels are now available for your pleasure. You'll also finally meet Bobby, the skeleton from the menu!

    Besides the new areas, quests and important plot-twisters, the new version includes more portraits, fixes for graphics glitches, and most importantly, the new mist effect!

    A small warning, the new areas haven't been properly balanced for difficulty yet. If you find any group of enemies way too difficult, we're eager to hear your feedback. Just click the little feedback button.

    We've already started work on the game's ending, so it won't be too long now before we're ready to release the game! Could be your final chances to get the discount code.

    Modding Changelog

    • The script variable list that shows global flags and available variable names now has a filter, making it easier to find what you're looking for.
    • Fog can now be enabled through the Map settings in the level editor.
    • Joint creation scripts now have the ability to specify a target object instead of just using the caller.
    • ControlRotateJoint includes the ability to set the resumeForce.
    • Race property baseAttackTime affects how often a bot will try to use its weapon.
    • Race property attackTimeRandomization can now make enemy attack times more or less randomized.
    • Mod specific options can now be modified and checked using scripts for modFlags.
    • Support for non-square textures.

    Ps. See if you can spot the new easter egg in the menu screen. It won't be visible until you've played the new version through.

    And as a bonus, a couple of new screenshots from the previous new area, Nomon docks:


    I've just posted version 0.901 with the following changes:

    Game Changelog

    • Fixed an error where it was possible to get stuck in the Eel quest under special circumstances.
    • Fixed alt-tabbing with fog-enabled areas.
    • There is now a progress bar when loading a map.
    • Sarah now wields a bow.

    Modding Changelog

    • Holding down shift when raising/lowering floor now makes the tool slower - good for fine-tuning.
    • The game will now notify the modder if an item's baseclass is not found.
    • The game will now notify the modder if an item's specification is not found in items.ini
    • Fixed error with followers not being able to use ranged weapons with a firstAimTime defined.


    01.07.2012 View Comments

    I wanted the Sarah character in the game to be as pretty and cute as possible, so I decided she will be modeled after my lovely wife. This picture is a joint effort between our own Johanna Sundström and me.

    Hoki the Wolf

    27.06.2012 View Comments

    This week it's been Anne's turn to work on Driftmoon, and she got a bit carried away with this idea of a hockey minigame. Who gave her the idea? Own up!

    The new areas are progressing well, I hear, more on that soon.

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