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Update 0.841

19.03.2012 View Comments

As you can see from the (rough prototype) image above, we've already started work with the new levels we so carefully planned, and the work is going well! Since you can't make a docks type level without having a few piers and bridges, I took the opportunity to add some new features to make them work. In addition to the improved floor lighting, we can now have bridges! All you need to make a bridge/stair/platform is click one little button in the editor.

Game Changelog

  • Moving items on top of objects such as tables is now more precise.
  • Shop inventories now show all similar items grouped into one, even items on display.
  • Talents level requirements now match the text.
  • The sundial is now very precise.

Modding Changelog

  • You can now define a terrain object as a bridge. Bots and objects stay on top of the bridge. Objects on the bridge won't be affected by water physics, so they can really be used to cross rivers, just make sure to have railings to prevent the player from falling into the water. The effect can also be used for stairs, raised platforms, piers, your imagination is the limit!
  • You can now make terrain object use polygon subdivision. This makes them look better with lights inside them, which is useful if the terrain is a floor.
  • If a bot is attacking an enemy, and their relations are mended (through changeSide perhaps), they will stop the fight.
  • The preventtalking script now only prevents the player from initating a conversation.
  • Joints between the player and companions are now saved between map changes.
  • You can now fine tune vertex positions as numbers.
  • New script action: setPlayerReplySpoken, can make a player reply greyed out.
  • New script action: unWieldAllItems
  • New script actions: setAngle and changeAngle. See the sundial on how they can be used to make a clock.

Better Floor Lighting

17.03.2012 View Comments

Having played the excellent Return to Valmor mod for a while, I noticed that Chuck had used terrain type objects as floors. Usually they're used as walls, but if you make the flat and remove their physics, you can easily use them as floors as well. They make excellent floors for buildings, because they have sharp edges, but they lack in one major aspect - lights only affect their edges. That is, if you are standing in the middle of the floor, your torch wouldn't light anything at all, because only the terrain edges could have lights. And I've just fixed that!

I've added a new button to the editor for terrain objects that allows turning on polygon subdivisioning, which makes the terrain objects have lighting points inside them as well. They are a little bit slower to draw, so use the effect sparingly. I will update Driftmoon with the new code as soon as I can finish another new thing I'm making... Stairs!

Return to Valmor

16.03.2012 View Comments

"Go on an adventure to discover the ruins and history of a lost magical kingdom."

With such an intriguing description you can't go wrong! Today I want to highlight the Driftmoon mod Return to Valmor by ChuckV. The mod already hosts a good hour's worth of adventure, with more to come, I hear.

From my short playtesting, I loved it! I already found a secret trap door that led to a nifty treasure cache.

You can play Return to Valmor simply by firing up Driftmoon, and using our famous one click installer. Don't forget to give Chuck some feedback by using the feedback button, I know for a fact that a single good idea can make a world of difference.

Ps. Don't forget the Driftmoon Modding Wiki, your one stop source for modding questions!


10.03.2012 View Comments

For the last couple of weeks we have been finalizing our plans for the rest of the game, and it'll certainly surprise you in many ways! It's a little hard for me to talk about the plot without spoiling it, so I won't. Instead I'll post this, can you guess who he is?

Update 0.835

26.02.2012 View Comments

In memory of my old canine friend, we've added Belinda the Wolf Mother to Northrop. Be kind to her. Another highlight from the new version is that you can now configure the keys used in the game. Using the keyboard is of course optional in Driftmoon, you can fully play Driftmoon with just your mouse hand (and I know of a few Driftmoon players who actually don't have the use of both hands). But this might help you if you're used to having the inventory open with the caps lock for instance.

Also we've tackled a few cheaters who have been escaping to other maps and even to the world map to escape fights. Others have been fooling our poor shopkeepers by buying cheap ingredients, then using the blueprints to make new items which can be sold back at a profit! Actually I find that highly amusing, but the item prices have been tuned all the same. Driftmoon is not a trade simulator!

Game Changelog

  • Added Belinda the Wolf Mother to Northrop.
  • Keys are now configurable! You can also use the key bindings screen to see the current keys. The tutorial messages don't reflect your configured keys just yet.
  • Saving to an empty slot no longer warns that the slot is in use.
  • Fawn couldn't die on the harder difficulty levels, fixed.
  • You can no longer drag objects through spider webs.
  • Can no longer escape to the world map when player is engaged in combat.
  • Prices of all craftable items and ingredients have been balanced, now the crafted result should be about as valuable as the ingredients.
  • Feagle has received more training (and should therefore arrive on time more often than before)!
  • Advanced and Master level of Blades now work properly, and the Blades don't prevent quick travel anymore.
  • The labyrinth switches now look like they mean business.
  • Light effects on rocks look much better.
  • Fixed visual glitches that appeared with rocks.
  • Modding Changelog

  • Killbot action now works properly on harder difficulty levels.
  • Scripts referring to actor 0 now helpfully tell that actor 0 is the player.
  • Actions openWorldMap and changeMap now default to not allowing moving to new maps when the player is under attack.
  • You can now double click to select a script action or condition from a list.
  • Reduced size of levels files by up to 60%.
  • Race variable imitateHostAttackTarget allows you to set whether the player's followers imitate the player's attack targets.
  • Fixed error with givePlayerItem specified slot being ignored.
  • Update: It looks like I was a bit overzealous in reducing the download size, and most of items in containers got lost. I've just released a quick update, fixing this.

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