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Oldies part 1: Magebane 1

30.12.2009 View Comments

The coming year marks the 12th year of my game development hobby/career, so I thought I'd have a look at some of my older games, maybe I'll learn something.

In year 1998 I released my very first game Magebane 1. It was a mixture of comic book and turn based rpg. My absolute indie favourite from the time was a Finnish game called Areena, and I pretty much copied the combat from it. As I recall I used Visual Studio 3 for the programming, so the game worked in Windows 3.1 which still did exist at the time. I think I wanted to make the game because I wanted to show off my paintings. Magebane 1 took about half a year to make, and I was 15 years old for the best part of that.

Basically it works like this: You read a part of a dialogue explaining why you're going to fight someone, then you arm your two warriors and one mage, and after that there's a turn based combat sequence. There's a ton of menus before you get to the good stuff. The combat is tediously slow and requires careful optimization even in the easiest levels. Arming your characters means going to the smith screen which is way too complex for me to understand anymore. But I still like the game for the story parts. They're obviously written by someone with a very good sense of humor.

What did I learn from replaying Magebane 1?

  • Make your games in English. That's a given these days.
  • Focus on the actual gameplay. Magebane 1 uses many complex menus and text screens that distract from the actual combat and story.
  • I nearly didn't finish Magebane 1 because it was pretty complex, and I had never programmed anything real before. If you're working on your first game, make it a simple game. You don't have to impress.
If you're interested in history, you can try the game: Download Magebane 1. It works from Windows 3.1 up to at least XP. Microsoft dropped support for 16 bit applications after that, so I'll just have to keep an old XP hanging around the house. And be warned, this is in Finnish only, so you probably won't understand a thing.

A new beginning

19.12.2009 View Comments

Recently I talked about choosing a better plot for the beginning of the game. If you want to keep the beginning a surprise, don't read any further.

So far my idea is this:

  • The player and his brother Robert are smiths working on an indestructible blackrock golem by the order of some unknown client.
  • This unknown person knocks on the door, inspects the work and leaves.
  • The Necromancer comes to the smithy. He zaps Robert dead and freezes the player. He makes Robert a skeleton in his army.
  • The Necromancer removes the player's soul, and makes him into his mindless right hand.
  • The Necromancer tells the player to divide the golem into 7 parts and hide them so nobody can gather them.
  • Fade out. Fast forward some decades.
  • Fade in, the Healer Samuel is asking how you feel.
  • Samuel tells that you came in terribly wounded, and he has tended to you for months.
  • He has found a letter in your belongings ordering you to destroy the town of Asrald.
  • You have no memory of anything he tells you, except of the encounter with the Necromancer.
  • Samuel suggests to find Paul who has researched the Necromancer's magics.
  • Paul suggests that you have lost parts of yourself by wronging others in the service of the Necromancer, and that you may get these parts back by righting the wrongs.
  • Throughout the game you will meet many people who have known you while you were serving the Necromancer. You have an option to set things right with them to gain back parts of your soul. Doing this may gain you skills and experience.
  • Paul says that nothing can destroy the Necromancer, but that it was once tried by building a golem out of blackrock.
  • What dark deeds have you done in the Necromancer's service? How can you gather the golem pieces to destroy the Necromancer?
This is just the first part. I have plenty of plot twists thought up but I won't be revealing those just yet. I'm open to suggestions if you have any. Any obvious cliches? A good plot is arguably one of the most important parts of any good RPG, so I'm very interested in hearing your thoughts.

Stop the rain!

07.12.2009 View Comments

Get yourself the new Driftmoon Roof from Ville Corp! A couple of days ago I found myself building a house, and soon I thought that something was missing. At first I spent a couple of hours building a dungeon with fiery lava underneath our house, but fortunately Anne pointed out that it was the roof that was missing. And here it is now!

We've added a couple of nice features for modders. First of all the sun adds shadows behind walls now. You know the shadows are not the sharpest out there, but creating your own sun dial is now technically possible.

Another addition is the roof setting for all terrain objects. Setting that means that it will create a permanent sun shadow under it, it will be lighted by the sun only (your torch won't light the ceiling), and the terrain will activate the see through effect. Going under any terrain set as roof will trigger all roofs to fade out, so we can create our roofs from different pieces. I used three objects to create the sample. Roofs can be anything, so adding see through pergolas and glass panes should be possible.

Additionally I've added the height setting for vertices. Now we can change the height of any vertex in a polygon. Basically it means your tables or floors don't have to be level anymore. I'm pretty sure someone will think of some ingenious use for this, but so far I've only used it for the slope in the roof.

And the winner is...

03.12.2009 View Comments

The winner of the free Driftmoon copy is Esa K. Congratulations! The free copy will be sent when the game is released.

If you didn't know of the competition, you might want to join the Driftmoon mailing list. There may be some other competitions in the future.

Lessons learned: Sound libraries

02.12.2009 View Comments

First of all I want to kick off by saying thank you for voting! We got 30% of all votes in the 2BeeGames competition (a nice second place, in a competition that started out with 120 games!), and while we didn't win the poll, it goes to show that there's definite interest in roleplaying games. We're especially happy to have done so well with this preview version of Driftmoon, as the development of the game is still very much in progress. We also got featured in a lot of places, and are very thankful for all the support we received! We also want to congratulate all the other 2BeeGames-finalists for their success in the competition!

And on to the show. It's technical, but I'll keep it short (just kidding!). As most of you know, I spent a couple of very nice weeks redeveloping our sound engine. Why? Because I chose a poorly supported library earlier, and it crashed the game at random now that the preview was being tested on more machines. The library was Audiere, a very easy and clean library. You could very nearly play a sound by calling play(filename). I chose it back in 2005, when it was still in active development. Since then, more and more computers have got at least two CPU cores, which seems to induce a threading bug in the library. Unfortunately Audiere hasn't been updated in years, so I had to look for a new library.

I went with Microsoft's new XAct3. It looks easy enough, it has a really nice tool to set up all the sounds, supports both XBox 360 and Windows, and it's the newest from one of the most largest software companies out there. Also, Microsoft clearly states that their older DirectSound technology is deprecated, which usually means they're not supporting it, and that developers should use the newer libraries XAct3 or Xaudio2. I completely overhauled our sound engine to XAct3, now happy with this new technology. But as it turns out, new technologies often have bugs, and so did XAct3. It crashed at random when releasing finished sounds, and at random it would reuse a sound, resulting in the previous sound being played instead of the new sound. Since XAct3 was built as an easy to use wrapper around XAudio2, and the bugs were in the wrapper layer, I moved on to using XAudio2.

Now I completely overhauled our sound engine to XAudio2. To its credit I can say that it worked, and didn't have any bugs that I could see. But it had one little flaw - it required the absolutely newest DirectX version. That's not going to be a problem in a few years time, and it's not a problem for any larger games where your average user is willing to upgrade his whole computer to play the game. But I couldn't just put in a message saying you need a new DirectX pronto, chop chop to Microsoft and install it, hope it runs on your outdated hardware, then if you still remember, try our game.

So I completely overhauled our sound engine to DirectSound. I've been using it in all of my previous games, starting from the year 1999. It works just as perfectly as it ever did, and even though Microsoft says it's deprecated, I'm sure they don't really mean that. So that's what I was doing for the past two or three weeks. I'm really glad I can get to working on the actual game now...

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