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Driftmoon Alpha 2

16.11.2010 View Comments

We want to thank all of our preorderers, and all those who have given us feedback - we value it greatly! I've just released the second version of our alpha build. Preorderers can access it on the secret download page. This release is mostly fixes and small features.

Changes in this version include the following (plus a few small things not mentioned here):

  • New mountain wall / water edge physics. This fixes the bug where the spiders might walk over the mountains.
  • Allow zooming in/out with the mouse wheel.
  • Fix crash that happened if you had killed the leader spider but not the other, then saved and loaded.
  • Followers will now follow in a formation.
  • Changed text rendering method to work on a wider variety of platforms. Thanks Luminon!
  • Tested to run on Linux through Wine. Thanks lindquist and unsfa!
  • Scroll bars can be adjusted even if the mouse gets out of the bar area.
  • Dialogue text is better lined on wide displays.
  • Autosave on entering a map, and every 10 minutes.
  • Quicksaving. F12 to save, F8 to load.
  • Dragging objects should be about as powerful as pushing them by walking.
  • Fixed skill saving, the Whirlwind skill was not saved. Thanks Iivo!
  • Quick keys for weapon skills: F1-F7
  • Combined quick slots with main inventory. Quickslot items in saved games will be moved (if you continue from a save made with the older version).
  • The inventory now has a separate tab for messages. It can be used for any items, but all books and letters go there by default.
  • Nicer looking tutorial markers and area border markers.
  • Changed ranged combat to fire automatically, allowing you to control the movement.
  • You can now kill any ants by precisely stepping on them. But why would anybody want to do that?
  • Enhanced the minimap code to run smoother.
  • People will not like when you steal their items. Some items will have marked owners, and they will watch out for thieves!
  • Fixed infinite XP bug with Professor Dore.
  • Fixed error log sending.

Driftmoon Now Available for Preorder!

02.11.2010 View Comments

We've been anxiously waiting to tell you this, so I'm relieved that I can finally open my mouth! We're now officially opening preorders!
Here are the main reasons to preorder now:
  • It’s 20% off!
  • There is no public demo yet, so the game is only available for preorderers. AND remember, we've come up with a completely new, brilliant adventure since the preview!
  • You will receive regular builds of the ongoing progress of Driftmoon, plus the final version. This will also provide you with a better chance to voice out your own ideas on the direction of the game and the modding tools!
  • With the alpha builds, you get full use of the up-to-date editor, to start making those beautiful mods you’ve been dreaming of!

Preorder Driftmoon for just €11.99! [easyfileshop id="1"]

This will get you the current version downloadable right away, and access to regular updates until the game is finished. You can pay with credit card or Paypal. You will receive an e-mail containing your personal license key that can be used to download all further Driftmoon versions.

Every bit of support helps us, and contributes to the development of Driftmoon. We're still some months away from the final release, but the game is progressing nicely, now that we can focus on content. Thank you for your support!

What's Driftmoon?

25.10.2010 View Comments

Did I mention this awesome game we're making? I guess I must have talked about it a few times. I updated the Driftmoon page with new screenshots, so have a look! To those who have missed those rare occasions, here's a recap:

Driftmoon is an adventure-oriented RPG, with focus on storytelling, exploring and quests. Driftmoon takes up roleplaying from the days when dialogue and plot mattered, and grinding wasn’t the main point. In Driftmoon there are always plenty of things to find and people to meet, and instead of killing all of your enemies, you can sometimes talk your way through.


  • Filled with personality, wit and goodwill!
  • Explore the dungeons, wilderness and villages of Driftmoon, you never know what you might discover!
  • Driftmoon isn’t an action RPG – you don’t kill creature after creature and collect a ton of loot. You don’t need to have catlike reflexes to be able to control the character. In Driftmoon you talk with the people you meet. You may make new friends, you may find quests to solve, or you may encounter a hostile cultist of Ixal.
  • Driftmoon comes with the full editor tools used to create the game. We have our own easy scripting language, a great level editor, animation tools, the complete set!
  • You can drag things around!
  • Memorable and melodic music by the talented Gareth Meek.

PS. Something cool is happening in a week or two. AND if you haven't done it yet, you might want to order our newsletter.

Driftmoon Gameplay Video

17.10.2010 View Comments

Here's something you might find interesting, bits of random gameplay from Driftmoon. We've been working nonstop all month to get the second level completed, I think it's finally ready. Now we're on to the third area!

New Food Counter

05.10.2010 View Comments

Some of you may remember that we changed the way food works in Driftmoon last spring. Now your food is slowly drained away while regenerating you health. I think it works pretty well, you can keep your health up, but it doesn't work so fast that you could eat yourself healthy in a battle. Also it gives the food some extra meaning in the game, a good reason to find it.

As I added a few more food types during summer time, they started taking more and more inventory space, as they couldn't be stacked. Combining them into one fixed the inventory space problem. After that I noticed there was an extra layer of complexity in place here, you first picked up the food, then opened the inventory, then clicked the food to eat it, and it went into your food meter. Now, after my recent change, all your food goes directly into a counter whenever you pick it up, no more opening inventories to click on Evil Berries and Food Cans. Saves inventory space and mouse buttons!

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