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Highlighting scripts in editor

22.02.2011 View Comments

I've sometimes had trouble in the game editor finding the objects that have scripts. Now they're highlighted with these pretty pink circles! Turns out my maps are full of these.

Hoe of Doom!

09.02.2011 View Comments

Can anybody guess what this refers to?

Update: It was indeed a reference to the Hoe of Destruction in Ultima VII.

Some people mistakenly thought the object behind the Hoe of Doom text was a Duck. I took another screenshot, so you can see that it clearly is not a Duck!


06.02.2011 View Comments

Dead Fish

02.02.2011 View Comments

I'm making rotten fish? It's true!


27.01.2011 View Comments

You get to meet the hermit crab from the menu screen - he's in a glass case in an animal shop.

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