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Official Driftmoon Trailer

05.04.2011 View Comments

Driftmoon Alpha 4!

04.04.2011 View Comments

A new version of Driftmoon approaches! In fact, it's already here! As before, preorderers can access it on the secret download page. If you haven’t preordered yet, you can still get your copy for 20% off!

[Update] Check out the trailer!

New Level

The most visible change is the improved plot, with the addition of the new starting level. It gives the game a much more fleshed out background story, along with a better idea of what the game is about.

The new talent system is worth mentioning, with many unique combat skills and passive talents. I've been playing with the more advanced combat skills, and fighting the nasties has definitely become more interesting. There are critical hits, evasive maneuvers, various skills that affect groups of enemies. My favourite is the Arrow Rain Mastery, which reminds me of the legendary triple crossbow in Ultima.

I've also noticed the new random object system makes the game a lot more replayable. Since I have to replay it two times every week, I say it's great!

Game changelog:

Modding changelog:

  • Script action to fire a projectile from a trap. For example, see the arrow traps in the tomb level labyrinth.
  • The selected object ID is shown in the lower left corner. Useful when you need to know the id for a script.
  • Possible to force intro sequences from scripts. For example, see the start of the tomb level.
  • Scripted objects are highlighted. No longer need to search for that one scripted object.
  • Zooming out in the editor now immediately shows the complete map area, no more waiting for it to render.
  • Greatly improved minimap rendering time. From 10 seconds to 1 or better. Not that you will need this very often.
  • Added a button to reload all textures. No longer need to restart to see your recent changes to a texture.
  • Particles can now have a gravity. For example, see the fountain in the starting village.
  • Items can now be placed on moving objects, and they move with them.
  • Script activation type StartRandom activates a random script at startup. For example, see the smithy basement, where it's used to select the kind of chests placed there.
  • Shop prices can be edited within the shop by pressing +/- on the item. This only works if the level was started from the editor.

Feedback button:


With this version I've gone through the trouble of adding a feedback button. It's a little button that's visible in every screen, and you can use it to send us direct feedback. So when you're playing the game and you feel like something could be better, or there's an error, just click the button, and write down what you want to tell us. Please use it, we're very happy to hear your suggestions!

The game even takes a screenshot that can be sent along with the message, in case the problem is visible on the screen. And don't worry, the button will be moved to a less visible place later.


27.03.2011 View Comments

CartThe merchant is now dragging a cart laden with merchandise. I made an important improvement, items can now be placed on moving objects, such as this cart, or a chair.

Another addition is that you're now prompted when stealing. So if you try to pick up the items on the merchant's cart, the game asks whether you really want to steal his health potion.

Shop Shop Shop!

22.03.2011 View Comments

Driftmoon Merchant

What would a roleplaying game be without those little shop and their curious, possibly useful merchandise? I'm speaking metaphorically of course, the plain truth is that removing the shops from most games means you'd have no place to sell your loot, and no place to get a refill of health potions. Sound familiar?

From a typical game design perspective shops are money sinks. The player gets money and items for killing monsters, and they need a way to spend that money, otherwise the money is worthless. And nearly always, the only way to spend the money is to get better gear and more health potions. As far as game designers go, health and mana potions, and other single use items, are the best invention of all time. The player spends their money and they don't get anything more than a bit of health for it. I don't want to do it like that.

You see, the point of a game designer is to make sure the player has an incentive to keep playing. You have to take away his money, so that he feels the need to find more money and play more! This is especially relevant in massive multiplayer games, where you really have to force the player to give up their money, otherwise you get problems with inflation. But the constant deprivation of value from my character always feels like daytime robbery me. In any game I play, I never use single use items. I don't use health potions, I don't use single use wands, I don't even use arrows! I'm the kind of guy who likes to amass a fortune, and never use it before the game ends. Driftmoon must do better than that!

In recent games I've also found an increasing trend in game economies towards more expensive items. Normal items that are prohibitively expensive, or luxury items as some call them. The idea is that once you get it, you can show it to a friend and see their envious looks. I don't really see the point of this in single player games, but they seem to be creeping down from multiplayer games. Well at least you have some place to put your money in. Obviously the items cannot be very useful, just expensive and pretty, otherwise it'd throw off the game balance. But where's the fun in all this? Showing off your fancy character sounds, well, pretty unfun to me. There won't be any useless but expensive items in Driftmoon.

So how are the shops in Driftmoon better? First of all, some types of items can only be found in shops, such as powerful magic armor. Sure, you can eventually find an equally good item on your travels. But it might not be a bad idea to buy that Murdered Man's Helmet the shop owner is showing you. You get a long lasting benefit from buying it, since it'll take a while for you to find a better one, not just a few minutes like it does in many games.

Secondly, some items like ingredients can always be found from the nature, you just have to collect them. But you can also buy them from shops for a pretty cheap price, you're not getting swindled by a merchant selling health potions for a million gold per piece. But if you're like me, and could never think of buying something you only use once, you might still want to do the extra work of collecting the ingredients yourself - it's even a lot of fun since you never know what you're gonna get.

For those of the Modding persuasion: You can open up the shop interface with a simple script in our Incredible Level Editor. Also, you can change the shop prices easily with just + and - when a shop is started through the editor.

Quick Travel

20.03.2011 View Comments

Quick Travel

I finally got fed up with walking between areas that I've already seen (I've seen everything about a 1000 times!), so here's another one of our recent additions: quick travel! Simply put, you can use quick travel waypoints to travel to a location you've already been to. The only requirement is that no enemies are near you when you want to travel.

These are incredibly easy to add in the editor, just create an object with a script to set a waypoint, you only need to think up a name for the location. There's also the added flexibility that since a script can create the waypoint, you can open up new waypoints anywhere you want, even if the player hasn't been there.

PS. I optimized the minimap creation in the editor, it's now about a 100 times faster for bigger maps.

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